Friday, October 12, 2007

True Consecration

Consecration is a term that is thrown around left and right in Christiandom, particularly in charismatic/pentecostal circles. Sometimes I wonder if people truly understand what consecration is. To many, consecration and fasting are synonymous. Fasting can be part of consecrating, however they are not one and the same. To fast means to go without something, traditionally food. According to Isaiah 58, there are a number of requirements that people often neglect when it comes to going on an "acceptable fast to the LORD":

Verses 3-4 says that we should not fast to be seen, for selfish reasons or to oppress others, if we do this our prayers during the fast will not be heard by God.

Verses 5-6 says that we must humble ourselves and provide for the poor with food, shelter and clothing.

How many of us do these things when we fast? Without following these requirements it is possible that you are merely starving yourself and there will be no true reward for your time of 'fasting'.

Consecration on the other hand means to set yourself apart. You do not necessarily have to fast to consecrate yourself, but it is helpful. In a consecration you are setting yourself apart from all distrations and making yourself available to the LORD so that you can focus on Him.

The Priests of the Old Covenant

Traditionally, Priests were all consecrated to God before they could serve in the tabernacle/temple. Exodus 28 through 30 speaks about the order of the priesthood - what they were to wear, what their duties were and how they were to perform those duties. God was giving these instructions to Moses, and He told Moses that after the priests were adorned in their garments that he was to "anoint them, consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister to Me (God) as priests." They had to be consecrated, set apart from the world and dedicated to God before they could minister to the LORD. No unclean thing could come into His presense in the Holy of Holies - if there was any iniquity present they would die (28:43).

Personal Consecration under the New Covenant

Romans 12:1 (ESV)
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

Paul was speaking about consecration in Romans 12:1. Setting ourselves apart to God as a living sacrifice. With that said, consecration is not just something that we do when we want to get closer to God - it is a lifestyle to be lived by every believer. Yes there are times and seasons when we will eliminate certain things from our life to help us grow closer to God, however our lives should be consecrated to God continuously. Just as the Priests of the Old Covenant had to be consecrated before they could come before God, so do we. The only difference is that our consecration comes in the finished work of Jesus Christ, not through the works of the law. He made the way for us to live a consecrated lifestyle by faith, for He is now our High Priest and in Him we are being conformed daily to His image as He sanctifies us and prepares us as a Bride without spot or blemish.

Leviticus 20:7-8 (NIV)
"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the LORD your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the LORD, who makes you holy."

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