Saturday, October 6, 2007

Be Sound in Faith

My favorite song from the 116 Clique album 13 Letters is Sound - a survey of the Book of Titus by Trip Lee. Listen

Paul wrote his epistle to Titus instructing him to put things in order in the church of Crete. He told him to ordain Elders in every city, explaining the qualifications for Elders and Bishops/Overseers. He commanded Titus to rebuke naysayers sharply so that they would become sound in the faith. Paul told Titus that his speech should line up with sound doctrine, so that the Elders he selects and teaches would be "sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience." (Titus 2:2) Even though these qualifications are made specifically for Elders and Bishops, they are characteristics that every Christian should strive to attain.

So what does it mean to be sound in faith? 2 Synonyms for it's greek translation from "hygiainō" in this text are "whole" and "healthy". Therefore we can say that our faith should be whole and healthy - in other words lacking nothing. It also suggests that our faith should be correct, as Paul suggests that in order to be sound in the faith our speech must line up with sound doctrine - meaning whole, healthy, correct doctrine. (Titus 1:9)

What we believe directly affects our faith - for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. In order to believe that God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do, we must have a correct understanding of God byway of His Word. The more we read the Bible, the more we study it to show ourselves approved, the more we meditate on His Word, the greater our faith will become, until it is sound - whole, complete, lacking nothing.

All of our faith should be placed in Jesus Christ. The LORD illustrated something to me a few months ago as I was reading Romans 5:1-2:

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Lets look at faith as a key, Jesus Christ as the door, and grace as being on the other side of that door. Since God has given every man a measure of faith he has given us each keys. When we apply those keys (faith) to the correct door (Jesus Christ), we will be able to walk through the door and receive what is on the other side of that door (grace).

"Let's be sound in faith, in doctrine, in speech, plus deeds, rep Jesus the King, let Him lead us please, plus we see He told us how we must be, let's really trust Jesus who freed us please " - Trip Lee

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