Monday, October 15, 2007

Send Me I’ll Go

Isaiah 6:8

I hear the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

I’m in front of the church waiting for someone to come and unlock the door. I try to make it a habit to be the first one here and the last one to leave. As I’m waiting, I’m meditating on Isaiah 6 – one of my all-time favorite passages. In verse 8 Isaiah is hearing the Lord speak, seeking a vessel to send out. Isaiah responded by saying “Here I am, send me!” God then gave Isaiah an assignment to be His mouthpiece to Israel.

I’ve been doing a lot of confession on these blogs lately. I can’t help but feel convicted after reading this passage. I have allowed people, situations and things to affect my assignment. I’ve already made the proclamation – “Here I am LORD, send me!!” But I never imagined the opposition I would face. The Bible tells us to count the cost – and the price is high! But the blessings are well worth it. I have to ask myself – why are my parents and loved ones still in bondage? Why has God spoken things concerning my life that haven’t yet come to pass? Why am I not operating in my office within the ministry? The other day God showed me that I was behind schedule. Now is the time to get things in order, and time is short. I feel a sudden urgency, as well as an even greater opposition to keep from pressing forth in the Spirit. The enemy wants me to stay stagnated. He wants to interrupt my ministry, my business, my marriage. He wants me to dwell on things that have no eternal relevance. And I have to confess that at times I have given in. God has brought seducing spirits my way, in the form of very subtle distractions. However I know that these weapons can form but they will not prosper since I am a servant of the LORD, that the seducing spirits will come but will not be able to seduce me away from the faith since I am part of the elect, and that all things will work out for the good because I love God. This is where I take a praise break and shout “HALLELUJAH!!!” :)

So these are my questions for you: Have you told God you were willing? Have you said “send me I’ll go!”? If so, are you owning up to your part of the deal? Are you walking in obedience? Have you counted the cost? As the song says – does your heart soul say yes? There is more that He requires from us, and it is time now to repent from our disobedience, put our past behind us, and like Mary said to those at the wedding in Cana “Whatever he (Jesus) says, do it!”

Quotes from Pastor Jean in today’s service:

Once you are obedient you have to check your intentions, are you obedient to get something from God, or are you actually obedient to grow closer to God?

Stop trying to figure our how God is going to bless you and just line up to receive your blessing

Hebrews 10:34-37

"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry."

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