Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Now is the Time to Get in Position

It seems like this has been a season of struggle for many Christians, a season of endurance. God is not pouring out the way we think He should. But instead He is working on our character and preparing to take His bride to a new level of intimacy with Him where His power can be displayed on a broader scale. No longer will the mediocre life be acceptable. You must either be red hot or ice cold. There is no more room for compromise. Those that have taken His grace as liberty to sin will be exposed if they do not repent. What is done in the dark will be revealed and brought to the light. God is giving us a window of time to get things right and line up. But He will come as a theif in the night. When He comes you will either be as the wise virgins or the foolish virgins. You will either have your vessel (body) stored up with oil (anointing) or it will be empty. For those who have spent time worrying about themselves, chasing the things of this world, doing acts of no eternal value, your vessel will be empty and you will not be allowed to walk into the promise. For those who have spent time in the presence of God, sanctifying their vessels with the Word, spending time in prayer, in worship, giving glory to God in praises and thanksgiving, and who have persevered through pain and suffering, God is going to reward you and you will walk into the promise. Choose this day who you will serve. Prepare your vessel as one of honor. Only what you do for Jesus Christ matters.

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