Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 2007 - a month to remember, a month to forget

Once again it has been some time since I have written a blog entry. A lot has transpired this past month. I am currently in Boston at my mother's house. After service at church on Thursday the 8th I noticed that I had a voicemail message. My father's girlfriend left a message, francticly asking me to call her back. It was after midnight so I called the next day and was told that my father went into a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. I later found out that the seizure was caused by a brain tumor, and a few days later on Monday morning I took a rush flight into Boston. I spoke with the surgeon, other doctors, nurses and hospital staff who assured me that they would take good care of my father and that his surgery would take an entire day. Today I found out that it is scheduled for December 7th (a day I may not be able to be in Boston). There has been some drama and my father seems scared, but I am believing that God will use this situation for His glory, save my father, deliver him, heal him and raise him up as a preacher of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. Right now I can only stay in prayer and stand by faith knowing that God is able.

This past weekend I visited some very close friends of mine in New Jersey. I had a wonderful time, and even preached at their church sunday morning. The LORD prepared me and told me the Monday prior to be prepared to preach. Friday evening/Saturday early morning I was asked to bring the Word and I was excited because I was actually prepared. lol I preached about entering into the LORD's rest and serving God in faith and not by our own works. The main scripture I used was Hebrews 4. I then spoke a little about the house, encouraging the members to study the Word, support their Bishop, and come to Christ for forgiveness no matter what sin they may have committed. It went a little shaky at first, but after 5-10 minutes I loosened up and it began to flow much better. I was congested and lost my voice from praising God the evening before during a service that a powerful, anointed, gifted, virtuous woman of God ministered in music with a group she is a part of - Will Brown and Another Level. They ministered at 3 churches this weekend - a few of which were a hot mess, but that is another blog entry for another day. I also had the pleasure of attending a youth shut-in and hearing and supporting a close sister of mine preach. The LORD really used both of them and I was truly blessed.

That was a very brief synopsis of the past week and a half. The week before that we had service Wednesday-Friday at Divine Hope with guest speakers leading up to our Inaugural Service on Saturday where my Pastor was "officially" placed as pastor, had hands laid on him and was set apart. It was a great service and was more of an appreciation than anything else. The congregation handed him keys to a brand new Chrystler 300, a car he has wanted for years. It was a wonderful thing. The week before that was preparation for the event, and I was running around almost non-stop trying to help. I'm glad that it all turned out the way it did, that God was glorified and that honor was given to my Pastor for his years of hard work, obedience and sacrifice.

This sums up the month of November thus far in my life. Much more went on. There was actually some blood, sweat and a few tears shed. But God strengthened me, and I believe took me to another level. My discernment has increased, my perspective has again shifted, and I experienced life in new ways that I will not take for granted - even if it hurt at times.

I was searching for a scripture to include in this entry, and the one below truly sums up this past month for me:

James 1:2-5
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

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