The teaching today at church was about overcoming struggles and conflicts. Pastor Jean taught from Galatans 5 and 6. He began by calling Galatians the handbook on how to get free, stay free and walk free. I'll share a few key points:
- All of your blunders (sinful acts) are only blunders because of what is inside of your heart - you have a choice, nobody can make you do anything.
- If you are struggling that means that you are in your flesh.
- When you are in your flesh you complain.
- When you are in the Spirit you have liberty and peace, and rather than complain you speak life into situations.
- Whenever your flesh is involved there will always be warfare. The only exception is when you are totally submitted to the flesh - at that moment satan is in complete control and warfare ceases.
- We must choose to submit either to the flesh or the Spirit.
- When you sow to the flesh (your sinful nature), you reap destruction because you are reaping from the nature of your old man.
- When you are affected by struggles you are in your flesh. When you are in the Spirit it doesn't bother you because you understand that what you are going through is just a process.
- Our struggles are purposed - God wants to see if we will press our way through them, if we truly love Him, if we are willing to sacrifice for Him, even to the point where we give our very life.
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