Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Motivates You?

Where does your motivation lie?

"And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God." - 1 Samuel 30:6

Wikipedia defines motivation as "the activation of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding morality."

The activation of goal-oriented behavior. I've always been someone who has written out goals. Short term goals, long term goals, small goals in order to reach bigger ones, 5 year plans, new years resolutions, etc... I had it all written out, lists upon lists. But what got done? There were seasons I was focused and accomplished goals successfully and was cruising! But I always allowed something to shift that focus and ended up in months and even years of stagnation. This is where I find myself today, asking myself, where is my motivation? Why haven't my current goals been activated?

Where has my motivation been in the past? Has it been in relationships with women? Positions at work? Financial gain? The calling of God on my life? Has it been to "minimize pain, maximize pleasure, obtain a desired possession"? Where should my motivation lie?

Sometimes I wait on other people to push and motivate me. Othertimes, let's face it, I've just been lazy! Yes, I'm a hard worker on the job, when given a task I do what it takes to get it done, but lately I've seemed to have lost that motivation. Where did it go?

Scientific researchers and neurologists all suggest that lack of motivation is a symptom of depression. I'm currently reading "Blame it On the Brain" by Edward T. Welch, and the whole premise of his book is to distinguish, through the lens of scripture, which disorders can be blamed on the brain and which cannot? He argues that we live in a culture where scientific research is skewed in an attempt to blame everything from depression to alchoholism on a brain dysfunction. He gives 3 categories: these issues can be a result of chemical imbalances, brain disorders, or disobedience. I tend to believe that all of these are viable causes, but the solution is the same whatever the cause - Jesus.

In Christ, He has given us the power and authority to take control of our own mind, to exercise self control, to battle every disorder and break every demonic stronghold through his Holy Spirit.

So back to motivation. Let's look at David. He was facing opposition at all sides, no doubt facing thoughts and feelings of depression as evident through his psalms, but no matter where he found himself he chose to turn to the Lord and encourage himself. When he was in a cave hiding for his very life, rather than have a pitty party or wait for someone else to motivate him, he motivated himself. His motivation was the LORD. Pleasing God meant more to him than pleasing himself. Though he fell in sin time and time again, his affections always turned back to God and he got back up and continued to press.

Looking at David's example, we all have some examining to do. What motivates you? What motivates me? Does my motivation lie in being comfortable when uncomfortable? Does it lie in the possibility of losing something or someone that I care deeply for? Where should it lie? Our motivation should be in Christ. Recognizing what He has done for us and what He has made available to us, our motivation should lie in pleasing Him, obeying Him, and enjoying Him as the satisfaction of our souls.

Enourage yourself! Change your thinking and allow Christ to be your motivation. I can guarantee that when we, and I include myself, take on the mind of Christ and learn how to motivate ourselves in Him, we will experience abundance in this life and the next. An abundance of peace, joy, contentment, and satisfaction.

"My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit. Then you won't feed the compulsions of selfishness." - Galatians 5:16 (Message)

1 comment:

Otis said...

Motivation: the activation of goal-oriented behavior

- Full Deliverance from Flesh and Emotionalism - Exhibiting all the fruit of the Spirit, living a balanced life
- Be in position to see and hear in the Spirit and walk in calling
- Work out every day (Calisthenics)
- Create 3 Streams of Income (Landsafe, FF Typing, Arise)
- Pay off all credit and personal debt
- Find new Job: Submit at least 2 job applications per week
- Business Plan for Studio(s) and Production Company
- One Chapter of Rocket Japanese per month
- DJ 101
- Purchase First Home
- Be in Position for Marriage

Motivation: Glorifying Jesus Christ with my life. Favor Shield Activated!