Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Sweet Smelling Fragrance

Philippians 4: Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.
The Philippian church was Paul’s joy and his crown. I believe one of the reasons for this was their faithfulness in giving. They were the only church who communicated with Paul regarding giving and receiving while he was traveling and were very generous in taking care of Paul’s needs. (Verses 14-17) They bore fruits of generosity and compassion that the other churches which Paul established did not exhibit at that time. He took joy in their example and the love that they showed him. They were his crown, his prize, his ornament, his honor. He took pleasure in partaking of their love, and because of this, he released a supernatural blessing upon them: “my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Verse 19) Because of their unselfishness in meeting his needs, he proclaimed that all of their needs would be met by God Himself! There was a condition in this – because of their charity and the manner in which the Philippians gave, whatever need they had was now met by the God of the universe. Their giving was a sacrifice, which was accepted by God, releasing a sweet smelling odor and was pleasing to God – this was because they gave in love to His servant Paul who was in need. (Verse 18) God will supply all of our needs as well when we follow the example of the Philippian church and sacrifice for the needs of others. The riches of God are stored up in the glory of God and we are able to receive them through Jesus Christ, our mediator, high priest and redeemer.

Our needs are met when we glorify God in our mortal bodies. One way to do this is by displaying the fruits of the Spirit in our giving.

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